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Place Of Interests
Places of interest
Nalanda itself deeply engraves behind a gloriouspast. The ruins of famous Buddhist Learning Centre at Nalanda dates back to 5thAD(almost 1700 years), which was first residential university of the world .The knowledge and wisdom had been deeply rooted as envisaged by the ruins andhere at Nalanda Teacher's TrainingCollege will have reminiscent the same of our students to hone them into aprofessional . We hope that during course study, you will like to visit andenjoy nearby monuments & historical places that will leave you withlingering memories and an emblazing career to cherish it for lifetime.


Lord Mahavira, the final Tirthankarand founder of Jainism, breathed his last at his place, around five thousandB.C. A marble temple, The Jal Mandir, built in the centre of a pond, has been amajor pilgrim spot for Janis. Another Jain temple called Samosharan is alsolocated here.


Nalanda is famous as the ancientseat of learning. The ruins of the world’s most ancient University lies at thisplace. Gautam Budha visited Nalanda several times during his lifetime. HieunTsang stayed here in the 7th century AD and lift an importantdescription of the excellent education system and purity of monastic life whichwere practiced here. He also gave a vivid account of ambiance as well as thearchitecture of this unique university of ancient times. In this firstresidential university of the world two thousand teachers and ten thousand monkstudents from all over Buddhist world lived ans studied. The Gupta Kingpatronized these monastery build in old Kushan architectural style, in a row ofcells around a courtyard. Visit of Nalanda Museum and Nav Nalanda Maha Vihar inaddition to the great ruins of Nalanda provide much information andinspiration.

Nalanda Teacher Training College
Deep Nagar, Bihar Sharif [Nalanda],
Bihar -803111
Contact No: 06112295135
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